Umpire Coach Resources
Think, Move, Communicate Template
The Think Move Communicate template is used to break down the three key pillars of umpiring and umpire coaching. This template outlines the specific areas for each umpire to focus on depending on their ability level.
The Umpire Review tool is a document to help the with process of facilitating discussions for an umpire coach to create learning opportunities.
Junior Umpire Coaching Guidelines
Junior umpire coach guidelines is the next document which helps describe the type of person you need to be when working with younger umpires. Building positive rapport with the umpires you work with is key and having a positive inclusive approach is paramount.
Umpire Resources
Rules of Hockey:
The FIH Rules of Hockey covers the must know rules for both players and umpires that includes videos and a quiz feature to test your knowledge.
Hockey New Zealand Junior Umpire Guidelines