Here you will the all the information you need to know in one handy location.
Just click on the links below to download the information, and if there is anything you can't find, please let us know.

Development Policies
Outline of who the program is for and how the program is run. Updated Yearly

Players Handbook
All of the information you need to know about any of the Junior or Senior competitions. Your number one stop to find information before asking.

Code of Conduct
Rules in which players and coaches must abide by when playing or coaching in the Central Otago Hockey Competition

Competition Forms
Find here the forms for Disputes/Issues, Game Cancelations, Incident (Injury), Match Reschedule and Player Regrading.

Turf Locations and Procedures
Central Otago is a very spread out area with a number of different turfs and facilities which all have similar and different rules. Contacts for each turf are on the About page

COHA documents
Central Otago Hockey Association documents including our Bylaws, Constitution, and Strategic Plan.

Health and Safety
Here you will find the Central Otago Hockey Association Health and Safety information, including Covid guidelines and our concussion policy